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June 06, 2005

Sung to the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire"

This is a kind of Blogroll cruise, but I'm cruising the "new additions" to the blogroll.

OK -- one new addition. But it's a biggie.

Way back when I was first really exploring the Christian side of the Internet, I found two sites. One was the Fundamentalist Forums, where I lurked for a few years, off and on, before getting up the guts to post. I still hit that site every day, looking for my next arguement -- or at the very least, some blogging fodder.

The other was a gold mine for me. Phil Johnson's bookmarks. The best and worst of Internet Christendom, all in one convenient list. I hit that page every week or so, just to see what's new. (I'm still waiting to see how Phil categorizes The Sword of the Lord's website.) If you've never been there, do it now -- I'll wait.

Ok, back now? Now the reason for all this rambling.

Phil has a blog.

Not long ago, there was a discussion on the FFF, and the topic of blogging came up. Someone said that Phil should be dragged into the blogosphere kicking and screaming. And he has entered the blogosphere -- kicking people and screaming at them!

Ok, that was a little hyperbole there, but Phil is pulling no punches on his new blog (aptly named PyroManiac). He first targeted Calvinists (actually, mainly those who are in the "cage stage"). I don't know anyone who would disagree with this point, but Phil went further -- he charged the Boars Head Tavern. So in his very first post, he got a LOT of people mad at him.

Then he posts about loving our enemies. This from a guy who used to hang out on the Fighting Fundamentalist Forum (before my active posting time, unfortunately). And he's won a Warnie in his first week of blogging.

Needless to say, this blog needs to be on your daily read list. You don't have to agree with him on everything, but I promise you that you'll learn something, AND be entertained.

If you question the entertainment value, just read some of the comments!!

Posted by Warren Kelly at June 6, 2005 12:04 AM | TrackBack
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