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March 04, 2005

The Interview Game

I'm being interviewed by Nick at (formerly Patriot Paradox). If YOU want to be interviewed HERE, leave me a comment, and I'll ask the questions -- I'm taking the first three. Answer them on your site, and offer to interview people too!

  1. How would you describe yourself, and how would this differ from your wife's description?

    I'd describe myself as a complete geek. Roleplaying games (pencil and paper with real dice, thankyouverymuch), Star Trek (all of them!), computers, the works. I'm also a devout reader -- given a choice between reading and watching a movie, I'll read any day. I'm also devoted to my family, especially my daughter.

    My wife would say about the same thing, but she'd probably add something about how obnoxious I can be, and also how lazy I can be.

  2. What is your favorite joke?

    Q. How many KJVOnlies does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. "That's the problem with these liberals today. They want you to think that that light bulb -- the one that was good enough for Paul and Barnabas, needs to be changed. They want to take away your light, friends! WHy, I was in the hardware store the other day, and you should have SEEN the number of different light bulbs that they had there. You know why they want you to change that bulb? It's simple -- money. Not ME, friend! I'm NOT CHANGIN' that old light bulb."

  3. What is the worst job you've ever held?

    My very first job, I worked at a kennel. BIG one, had something like five different buildings for the dogs to stay in. 8 AM every day, I was there shovelling out what the dogs had done the night before. Did that until noon. THEN we had to walk the dogs. ALL AFTERNOON. The walking wasn't bad -- it was the cleanup in the morning that really got to me.

  4. If ever stuck on a deserted island what 3 things or people or combination of each would you want with you (assume you already have your Bible)?

    My wife, my daughter (misery loves company), and a computer with a REALLY long extension cord and wireless Internet.

  5. What was your favorite toy when you were a child?

    I had some REALLY cool boxes when I was a kid. Some of them were big, and some were small ...

    OK, actually my prized posession was my Micronauts collection. I had a ton of the things, and they always fought. I had battles staged out on the floor for days -- sometimes, I'd throw a quilt or blanket down, and wrinkle it up, so there were elevation changes and places to hide.
OK, those are MY answers. Now it's YOUR turn. You volunteer, and I'll come up with five questions of my own for YOU to answer!

Posted by Warren Kelly at March 4, 2005 05:56 PM
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