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June 19, 2004

Introducing .....

DashHouse. A family site that include two blogs. Darryl is a pastor and the chief blogger. His wife Charlene has a blog as well on the site. I especially like the Reading List.

The Revealer. Nothing like a professional journalist to keep the blogosphere up to date! I like this quote from their "About Us" page:

"We begin with three basic premises: 1. Belief matters, whether or not you believe. Politics, pop culture, high art, NASCAR -- everything in this world is infused with concerns about the next. As journalists, as scholars, and as ordinary folks, we cannot afford to ignore the role of religious belief in shaping our lives. 2. The press all too frequently fails to acknowledge religion, categorizing it as either innocuous spirituality or dangerous fanaticism, when more often it's both and inbetween and just plain other. 3. We deserve and need better coverage of religion. Sharper thinking. Deeper history. Thicker description. Basic theology. Real storytelling.

Bene Diction is an outstanding blog. I've checked in there before, but I figure if it's on the 'roll, I'll remember to check it more often. Great information, and well-written.

Vigilance Matters. You have to read this. He and I discussed the whole 'leaving public schools' thing, and I enjoyed the feedback.

News From the Great Beyond. A great blog, and a finalist for King of the Blogs. Humor, personal posts, all mixed together with words of wisdom. This is a good blog.

That's it for now. I'll do this again in a few months or so. If you know of any that I should blogroll, leave me a message!

Posted by Warren Kelly at June 19, 2004 11:16 PM
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