The REASON For The Public School "Crisis"
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists historically have been strong supporters of public education, and
WHEREAS, Southern Baptists have been deeply committed to the right of all children to achieve their God-given potential, and
WHEREAS, The American public school system is now facing its most serious crisis in history, due to the complex issues of communicating moral values, financing, family breakdown, discipline, the "back to basics movement," racial desegregation, and church-state problems, and
WHEREAS, Many Baptists occupy administrative and teaching positions in the public school system,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists be urged to pray regularly for those teachers and administrators who work faithfully in the public school system, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That while recognizing the validity of the ministry of church-related private schools, Southern Baptists be urged to become more involved in shaping and supporting public schools, participating responsibly wherever possible in the local school and in the decision-making bodies which determine the course of public education, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we hereby commit ourselves to help achieve quality education for every child in this nation.
That was a Southern Baptist resoultion in 1971. The emphasis I've added shows where the problem is.
We didn't do it. And now it's a mess, and we want to run away from it.
Parents, educate your kids in the manner you see fit. But Christians, involve yourselves in the schools in your area.
We resolved to do this over 30 years ago. We failed. Let's not fail again.
Posted by Warren Kelly at June 20, 2005 04:39 PM
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