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June 23, 2005

We Are Resolved ...

... to do pretty much what we have been doing all along.

Everyone was so up in arms about the Public Schools Resolution (tm) -- including me, yes I admit it. And THIS is what we finally resolved to do (I'm skipping the whereas stuff -- if you want to read all that, go here and read the whole thing yourself):

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, June 21-22, 2005, urge parents and churches to research and monitor the entertainment and educational influences on children; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we urge parents and churches to exercise their rights to investigate diligently the curricula, textbooks, and programs in our community schools and to demand discontinuation of offensive material and programs; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we urge our churches to assist and support parents as they investigate community schools and as they train and disciple their own children; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we commend godly teachers and students who feel called by God to take a stand for Christ in secular schools as a light shining in the darkness; and be it further

RESOLVED, That as citizen Christians we commit to hold accountable schools, institutions, and industries for their moral influence on our children; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we urge Christian parents to fully embrace their responsibility to make prayerful and informed decisions regarding where and how they educate their children, whether they choose public, private, or home schooling, to ensure their physical, moral, emotional, and spiritual well-being, with a goal of raising godly men and women who are thoroughly equipped to live as fully devoted followers of Christ.

To translate: We are resolved that parents should make the decision concerning their kids' education. We are resolved that they should make an informed decision. We are resolved to support their decision, while making alternatives available to them if they want them. We are resolved to pray for our teachers AND all those Christian kids IN the public schools who are out there as missionaries. We are resolved to hold people accountable for the garbage they try to bring into the classroom.

Is any of that new? I HOPE that we were doing all of that anyway. No mention of an exit strategy. No mention of most anything that people were upset about pre-Convention. Sounds like the committee decided to walk the middle road on that one.

THAT'S a resolution I can live with -- it's nothing that Christians shouldn't have been doing already.

Posted by Warren Kelly at June 23, 2005 10:50 PM | TrackBack
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