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February 14, 2006

My Favorite Firefox Extensions

Inspired by this post at TheCSSWeblog:

  • ForecastFox: Weather reports right on the status bar! Includes a pop-up radar screen and weather alerts. VERY customizable. They have just released the enhanced version, which I haven't tried yet.
  • FoxyTunes: Control your music player of choice from the browser. I like not having to pull up the player when I want to skip a song. I don't use it quite as much now that I have my Nano, but it still comes in handy.
  • DownThemAll: Mass download all files with a certain extension (.pdf, .mp3, etc.). I get a lot of use out of this one when I'm getting material for my podcast, and it also came in handy when I was downloading PDFs for research papers at school. It's also faster, because it will download multiple files at the same time.
  • GMail Manager: I have three Gmail accounts that I need to check every day: one for the blog, one for the podcast, and one for the SBC Aggregator. This alerts me when I have mail in each account, and lets me go straight to it in a new tab. Google should have come up with this first!
  • SpellBound: Unfortunately, the latest update for Firefox isn't compatible with this. I LOVE being able to spell-check blog posts, for example, and haven't been able to since I upgraded to I'm hoping that they'll update this valuable sxtension soon.
  • Xray: this is a new one, and it also doesn't work with the new version of Firefox. It has helped me understand CSS a lot better -- right-click on the page and select Xray to see the markup for the page you're looking at.
  • Bible Toolbar: Search various translations at Bible Gateway, and even compare two translations. This is a VERY useful tool -- I can do quick verse checks and comparisons without having to fire up eSword every time.

Speaking of browsers, I've been informed that the blog looks the way it's supposed to in IE7.0. So I'm not going to have to do as much fixing as I'd thought I would. I think there are still some issues with lower resolution monitor settings, but that's all. So if you won't switch to Firefox, go get the IE7 beta.

Posted by Warren Kelly at February 14, 2006 03:27 PM | TrackBack
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