Getting To Know Someone
I've always thought that the best ways to get to know someone was to find out what they read, what they listened to, and what kind of junk was in the trunk of their car. The Internet is a good place to figure out the first two, anyway.
First is LibraryThing. You can take a look at the reading habits of people all over the world (including many, many bloggers). My own catalog is pretty incomplete right now, even though I've almost exhausted the free account that I've been using. Before you ask, I'm not sure why the book covers don't show up in my catalog. They used to, then I changed some things around and they vanished. Oh, well -- some of the books didn't have cover graphics anyway. 1/4 of the books I've got listed are review copies that I've received, which is nice. Free books are always nice ....
Second is You can just listen to stuff on their player, or you can download a plug-in for iTunes that tells what you've been playing lately. They have a plug-in for iPods that works through iTunes, but I haven't been able to make it work yet. My profile is pretty up to date, though the weekly top artists chart hasn't been updated in over a week. The two tracks that show up with me as the artist are sermon recordings I copied, and then listened to. I burned one to CD to send to a church in West Virginia that's looking for a pastor -- more on that later on. There are quite a few bloggers on as well.
If you're on either, leave us all a comment with a link to your profile, so we can get to know you, too!! And if you're not on either yet, what are you waiting for?
Now all I need to do is start, where people talk about all the stuff in ther trunks. Then we'll all know each other REALLY well.
Posted by Warren Kelly at June 19, 2006 03:04 PM
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